CEO & Founder

Mr. Smith has trained hundreds of security professionals and has worked on security projects for the United States Department of Defense (DoD), The United States Department of State (DOS), United States Attorney’s Offices (USAOs), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and other Federal Government agencies. Other projects includes state and local governments, Embassies, Utility Companies, Defense Contractors providing SCIF security, apartment and commercial buildings. With the continued rise in Active Shooter cases across our nation with no end in sight, Mr. Smith is well suited to provide K-12 classroom security as well as perimeter lockdown security in colleges and universities, churches and other public access places.
Vice President, Safety Design & Construction

Mr. Herold has had training in counter-terrorism strategies and was actively involved among one of the first response teams as an EMT rescue specialist at the World Trade Center 911 attack in September 2001. He was instrumental in helping to save the lives of some of those who were caught in the tragedy. He has been involved in public safety with the NYC Emergency Medical Service and has had training in first response to acts of terrorism and public safety (WTC 1993). Mr. Herold worked for the New York City Transit Authority as a Road Car Inspector from 1980 to1986 and was responsible for safety and operations in the NYC Subway System. His responsibility was to respond to all emergencies that could affect the safety and smooth operation of rail transportation at several locations including New York Grand Central Station which saw annual ridership of close to 50 million people annually. He has a background in construction in New York City in the 1970s and was a member of Elevator Construction Local 1 in New York City where he got his experience in the servicing, upgrade and installation of new elevators and the tedious dismantling and removal of old ones.
Life safety and fire safety was always been front and center of every job he has held. He was the building operations point man for the Staten Island YMCA. He was instrumental in improving the conditions and security of their facilities, earning him great accolades. His training also includes the installation of security doors, locks and devices. He has used “best practices” for the strengthening of surrounding walls, windows and skylights with the use of bullet proof glass, explosion proof doors and bullet resistant wall panels. Mr. Herold is head of safety design and construction in the field and is one of our consultants on vehicle barriers and bollards. We are proud to have Kirk on our executive leadership team and welcome him as part of the family.